The Firm

The Firm


MHOV is one of the leading comprehensive services law firms in Latin America, it was founded by Leopoldo Marquez in 1988. Later, in 2006, Carlos Valedón joined the team as proprietary partner. In April 2021, MHOV restructured and expanded its team, in order to provide a more effective service aligned with the new times.

MHOV has expert professionals and leaders in different areas of specialty, with extensive experience at a national and international level. The specialization and development of each of our practice areas, coupled with a deep knowledge of current trade and industry trends, allows us to offer innovative and timely legal solutions, as well as preventive and strategic advice.

MHOV is a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA), the Inter-American Intellectual Property Association (ASIPI), the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), the Venezuelan Association of Industrial Property Agents (COVAPI) and the Chamber of Venezuelan-American Trade (VENAMCHAM), among others.


MHOV is a member and actively participates in both national and foreign associations and chambers, such as:


MHOV has been recognized as one of the best Intellectual Property Firm in Venezuela:


Leopoldo Márquez
carlos valedón
Carlos Valedon
María Elena Terrero

Leopoldo Márquez Lefeld (Caracas-1961)


– Georgetown University (CCPE – Introduction to the US Legal Systems & Contract Law Series, 1985)
– Andrés Bello Catholic University (Lawyer, 1984)
– IEA – Associated Educational Institutes (El Peñón, 1979)

Professional activity

– Managing Partner of MHOV Abogados since (1988 – present)
– Lawyer in Travieso Evans (1985 – 1987)
– Legal Assistant at Travieso Evans (1981 – 1984)

Union Activity

– Principal Delegate for Venezuela in the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI) period 2003 – 2006.
– Alternate Delegate for Venezuela in the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI) period 2001 – 2003.

Areas of expertise

– Aeronautical Law (Financial Leasing, Purchase, Sale, Registration, Guarantee and Assurance of Aircraft in Venezuela and abroad).
– Industrial Property (Trademarks and Patents), Electronic Commerce, Franchise, Intellectual Property Litigation, license agreements and technology transfer, social networks, among others.


– Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI)
– International Trademark Association (INTA)
– Venezuelan American Chamber of Industry and Commerce (VENAMCHAM)
– Venezuelan College of Intellectual Property Agents (COVAPI)
– Bar Association of the Capital District.


– Spanish
– English

Carlos Valedon (Caracas 1965)


– Université Laval, Québec – Canada (Master of Laws
– Universidad Santa María, Caracas – Venezuela (Layer, 1989)

Professional Activity

– Partner of MHOV Lawyers since 2006
– Partner Torres Plaz & Araujo, Caracas – Venezuela (1994 – 2006)

Institutional and academic activity

– Arbitrator of the Arbitration Centers of the Caracas Chamber of Commerce and CEDCA. Former President of the respective committees.
– He was Advisor to the Permanent Commission on Economy of the Senate of the Congress of the Republic of Venezuela for the enactment of the Commercial Arbitration Law (1997-98).
–He was Secretary in 1998 of the national section in Venezuela of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) based in Paris.
– He was appointed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) as an advisor for the mediation project of the Arbitration Center of the Caracas Chamber of Commerce (1999)
– Invited researcher in 1998 at the Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) based in Rome on the Principles of International Commercial Contracts and Uniform Commercial Law.
– Professor from 1998 to 2008 of the subject “Alternate Means of Dispute Resolution in International Commercial Transactions” and “Uniform Commercial Law” in the Postgraduate course in International Law and Integration, as well as the Master’s in Law International Private the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the Central University of Venezuela, Caracas.
– Speaker and lecturer on alternative means of dispute resolution, as well as legal aspects and Intellectual Property of Internet and E-Commerce.

Areas of Expertise

He has focused his practice in the areas of commercial, civil, tax, international commercial law, as well as litigation, foreign investment, intellectual property and national and international commercial arbitration.


– Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI)
– International Trademark Association (INTA)
– International Association for Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
– Association des Practiciens du Droit des Marques et des Modeles (APRAM)
– Venezuelan American Chamber of Commerce (VENAMCHAM)
– Venezuelan College of Intellectual Property Agents (COVAPI)
– Bar Association of the Capital District.


– Spanish
– French
– English

María Elena Terrero

María Elena Terrero has more than 30 years of experience in Intellectual Property, Corporate and Commercial Law. María Elena has worked with a vast number of Fortune 500 companies and large local clients.

In parallel, she consistently works to promote the modernization of the Venezuelan Intellectual Property Law and has actively participated in reforms discussions to the Law before the National Assembly. Also, María Elena has been member of important national projects regarding Intellectual Property developed by the prestigious Universidad Simón Bolivar.

In 2017 María Elena was appointed member of INTA’s Harmonization of Trade Law and Practice Committee and is currently president of its Free Trade Agreements Sub-Committee. In addition, she leads pro bono projects for NGOs.


– Attorney at Law, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela (1997).
– Course on Intellectual property, Franklin Pierce Law Center, USA (2003).
– Certified arbitrator in Venezuela.
– Certified mediator in the United States.


– Federal District Bar Association (1998).
– Intellectual Property Agent (1998).

Areas of Expertise

– Patents.
– Patent Brokerage.
– Trademarks.
– Arbitration.
– Licensing.


– Life Sciences.
– Fashion.
– Oil & Energy.




– Spanish
– English

Flavia Amoroso


– Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, Chicago, IL (LLM, 2018).
– Universidad Metropolitana – Caracas, VE (Abogado, 2014).
– Colegio Integral El Ávila – Caracas, VE (Bachiller, 2008).

Professional Activity

– Partner at MHOV Abogados (present).
– Junior Partner at Hoet & Partners (2021 – 2023).
– Lawyer at Clarke + Modet Venezuela (2018 – 2021).
– Lawyer at MHOV (2014 – 2017).

Areas of Expertise

Industrial Property (Trademarks and Patents), Electronic Commerce, Franchising, Intellectual Property Litigation, licensing and technology transfer contracts, social networks, among others.


– Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI).
– International Trademark Association (INTA).
– Venezuelan American Chamber of Commerce (VENAMCHAM).
– Venezuelan-Israeli Chamber of Economy.
– Venezuelan College of Intellectual Property Agents (COVAPI).
– Bar Association of the Capital District.


– Spanish
– English

Alvaro Garrido
Nazareth Djenanian

Alvaro Garrido Lingg (Caracas-1977)


– Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Especialista en Derecho Mercantil, 2021)
– Andrés Bello Catholic University, Caracas – Venezuela (Lawyer, 1999).

Professional Activity

– Founding Partner of Grupo Consultor AGJG, S.C. since 2012.
– Associate Attorney Grau, García Hernández & Monaco (2007-2008).
– Petroleum Lawyer Zuata, C.A. (PETROZUATA)- Barcelona- Venezuela (2006-2007).
– Lawyer Torres Plaz & Araujo, Caracas – Venezuela (1999 – 2006).

Institutional and Academic activity

– He was Advisor to the Office of the Vice Ministry of Planning and Development (2003).
– Author of an opinion article published on June 2, 2007 in the newspaper El Universal ( entitled: “The Tyranny of the Majority”.
– Author of an opinion article published on May 25, 2006 in the newspaper El Universal entitled: “Citizen Participation Vs. Exit of Venezuela from the Andean Community”.
– Co-author of the work entitled: “The Functionally Decentralized Administration”, published in the Book Homage to the Manual of Administrative Law by Eloy Lares Martínez entitled “Venezuelan Law in the Thresholds of the 21st Century”. Collection of legal studies of the Monteávila University. Venezuelan Legal Publishing House. Caracas, 2006.
– Co-author of the work entitled: “The presumption of good faith and its treatment in the presidential recall referendum of 2004” published by the Supreme Court of Justice. Legal Studies Collection No. 15. Issues of Procedural Law. Caracas, Venezuela, 2005.
– Author of the article “Lotel generated a tacit derogation” published in the legal field newspaper. May 2005.- Co-Author of the work titled: “Regime of constitutional and legal competences attributed to the national and municipal public power by the Consti– He was Advisor to the Office of the Vice Ministry of Planning and Development (2003).
– Author of an opinion article published on June 2, 2007 in the newspaper El Universal ( entitled: “The Tyranny of the Majority”.
– Author of an opinion article published on May 25, 2006 in the newspaper El Universal entitled: “Citizen Participation Vs. Exit of Venezuela from the Andean Community”.
– Co-author of the work entitled: “The Functionally Decentralized Administration”, published in the Book Homage to the Manual of Administrative Law by Eloy Lares Martínez entitled “Venezuelan Law in the Thresholds of the 21st Century”. Collection of legal studies of the Monteávila University. Venezuelan Legal Publishing House. Caracas, 2006.
– Co-author of the work entitled: “The presumption of good faith and its treatment in the presidential recall referendum of 2004” published by the Supreme Court of Justice. Legal Studies Collection No. 15. Issues of Procedural Law. Caracas, Venezuela, 2005.
– Author of the article “Lotel generated a tacit derogation” published in the legal field newspaper. May 2005.- Co-Author of the work titled: “Regime of constitutional and legal competences attributed to the national public power of 1999 and the legal regulations in force to the electricity sector in Venezuela” published in the magazine of constitutional law No. 9. January- December 2004. Editorial Sherwood.
– Co-Author of the work entitled: “General considerations of the avocation in the Venezuelan jurisprudence. Special reference to the ruling issued by the Political-Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice dated June 3, 2003. No. 809. Case: Jenny Mariela Lugo Méndez.”, published in the administrative law magazine No. 17. September- December 2003. Editorial Sherwood.
– Author of the work entitled: “Considerations related to the execution of judgments on the patrimonial responsibility of the State in Venezuela”, published in the magazine of administrative law No. 16. January-June 2003. Editorial Sherwood.
– Author of the work entitled: “Notes on the regulatory framework of the land and air transport system in Venezuela”, published in the administrative law magazine No. 15. May-December 2002. Editorial Sherwood.
– Co-Author in the publication of the third edition of the book entitled: “Venezuelan Tax Laws” published by Torres, Plaz & Araujo, Caracas-Venezuela, 2001.

Areas of Expertise

His professional career has been especially dedicated to advising on the full range of matters associated with public, corporate and tax law, with special emphasis on the oil, gas and energy areas, as well as litigation and judicial aspects; Preparation, presentation and follow-up of administrative resources before national, state and municipal public entities, as well as contentious-administrative resources, unconstitutionality and constitutional protection actions before the courts of the Republic; Experience in various administrative procedures and administrative litigation in general; Experience, participation and advice in aspects related to the energy and oil area, as well as in aspects related to matters of unfair competition.


– Bar Association of the Capital District.
– AVEDA (Venezuelan Association of Administrative Law)


– Spanish
– English

Nazareth Djenanian Dertorossian (Caracas, 1989).


– AVEDA (Venezuelan Association of Administrative Law).
– Andrés Bello Catholic University (Lawyer, 2014)

Professional Activity

– Lawyer of MHOV Lawyers (2017).
– Senior Lawyer of Products and Services in the Legal Consultancy of Banco Nacional de Crédito, C.A., Banco Universal (2014-2017).
– Junior Lawyer in the Legal Consultancy of Banco Nacional de Crédito, C.A., Banco Universal (2013-2014).
– Intern in the Legal Department of González & Makkekji, Financial Advisors. (2011)

Institutional and academic activity

– Arbitration Sessions. Within the framework of the fifteenth anniversary of the Commercial Arbitration Law. Andres Bello Catholic University (2013).
– Social and Community Reconciliation Program of the Legal Clinic. Business Center for Conciliation and Arbitration (CEDCA). Andres Bello Catholic University. (2012).

Areas of Expertise

–He has focused his professional practice in the areas of Commercial, Corporate and Banking Law.
al in the areas of Commercial, Corporate and Banking Law.


– Bar Association of the Capital District.
– Lawyer’s Social Welfare Institute.


– Spanish
– Armenian

Diego Beltran
Nahomy Estrada

Diego Alejandro Beltrán González


-Central University of Venezuela (Lawyer, 2019)
– Universidad Monteávila (Specialist in intellectual property, 2023)

Professional Activity

– Consulting Attorney at Collateral Base – Peoria, Illinois (2020 – Current)
– Lawyer at MHOV Lawyers – Caracas (2019-2020)
– Legal assistant at De Sola Pate & Brown – Caracas (2018-2019)

Areas of expertise

– Industrial property (Trademarks and Patents), Intellectual Property litigation, license agreements and technology transfer, social networks, among others.


– Bar Association of the Capital District.
– International Trademark Association (INTA)


– Spanish
– English
– French 

Nahomy Estrada (Caracas, 1990).


– Santa María University (Lawyer – 2013).

Professional Activity

– Lawyer of MHOV Lawyers (2018).
– Junior Lawyer of the Credit Documentation Management of the Agricultural Banking of BANESCO Banco Universal (March 2018-December – 2018).
– Junior Lawyer in the Mass Credit Documentation Management in the Legal Consultancy of Banco Nacional de Credito, C.A., Banco Universal. (2017-2018).
– Specialist in Law at the National Institute of Parks (INPARQUES). (2016-2017).
– Lawyer in the Substantiation area at the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) (2015-2016).
– Lawyer (Substitution) in the 16th AMC Prosecutor’s Office in matters of Common Crimes. (2015).
– Legal Assistant (Substitution) 108th Prosecutor’s Office for Children and Adolescents. (2013-2014).

Institutional and academic activity

– Arbitration Sessions. Within the framework of the fifteenth anniversary of the Commercial Arbitration Law. Andres Bello Catholic University (2013).
– Social and Community Reconciliation Program of the Legal Clinic. Business Center for Conciliation and Arbitration (CEDCA). Andres Bello Catholic University. (2012).

Institutional and Academic activity

– VIII National Congress of Jurisprudence in Labor Law (2011).
– VI International Congress on Forensic Sciences and Criminal Investigation (2010).

Areas of Expertise

–He has focused his professional practice in the areas of Commercial, Environmental, Criminal, Corporate and Banking Law.


– Bar Association of the Capital District.
– Lawyer’s Social Welfare Institute..


– Spanish
– English: Coursed at the School of Modern Languages ​​ACEIM – FUNDEIM. (2017).

Solange Sheuat


– Central University of Venezuela, Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, School of Law. (Lawyer 2019).

Professional Activity

– De Sola Pate & Brown – Consulting Lawyers (2017- 2019). (Legal assistant)


– Bar Association of the Capital District.


– Spanish
– English (Basic)

Solange Sheuat
Carlos Arocha
Adriana Garcia

Carlos José Arocha Moreán (Caracas, 1968)


-Metropolitan University, Caracas (Specialist in Intellectual Property, 2009)

Special degree work: “Jingle as a musical work, sound brand and source of commercial slogans”

– Central University of Venezuela (Lawyer, 1992)

Courses and Participations

-Intensive Course on Evidence Law (Second Module). “Inter-American Federation of Lawyers” (Caracas, 2011)
-Intensive Course on Evidence Law (First Module). “Inter-American Federation of Lawyers” (Caracas, 2010)
-Course on Intellectual Property and Electronic Commerce.”World Academy of the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO” (Switzerland, 2009)
-Advanced Course on Copyright. “World Academy of the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO” (Switzerland, 2007)
-General Course on Intellectual Property. “World Academy of the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO” (Switzerland, 2005)
-International Congress on Intellectual Property. “Margarita University” (2004)

Actividad Profesional

-Independent Advisor on Copyright, Trademarks, Own Image, Entertainment Law, Advertising Talents, Contractual and Responsibility Matters (2009-2020)
-Co-founder of the firm “Gomes Arocha Asesores / Copyright” (1994-2007)

-Coordinator of the Legal Management in the Society of Authors and Composers of Venezuela / SACVEN (1993-1994)
-Attached Rapporteur to the Presidency of the First Court of Administrative Litigation (1992-1993)
– Research Assistant at the Institute of Public Law UCV (1989-1992)

Developed Areas

-Investigation and opinions.
-Drafting of assignments and licenses.
-Analysis of contracts.
-Management and monitoring of records.
-Judicial notifications of cessation of use.
-Criminal complaints for infringement of intellectual property rights.
-Claims and actions for unauthorized use of works protected by copyright.
-Claims and lawsuits for violation of the image itself.
– Actions for non-pecuniary damage: personal and corporate.
-Actions for contractual and non-contractual liability.
-Unfair competition.
-Administrative and contentious-administrative appeals related to intellectual property.
-Commercial arbitrations.
-Negotiation and out-of-court settlements.
-Investigation of ownership and search for authorized uses.
-Advice on intellectual property related to musical and phonographic production.
-Advice on intellectual property linked to the publishing field.
-Advice on intellectual property related to software, applications and video games.
-Advice on intellectual property matters related to digital products.
-Advice on intellectual property matters related to franchises.
-Advice on intellectual property matters related to advertising
-Management of talents and representations.


– Spanish
– English (Technical)

Adriana Garcia


– Metropolitan University (Specialization in International Business, 2014)
– Central University of Venezuela (BA in Translation, 2007)
– Central University of Venezuela (Lawyer, 1992)

Professional Activity

– Society of EOS Consultores PI since 1994
– Representative in Venezuela of since 2003
– Legal Mentor in matters of Intellectual Property for entrepreneurs PROEMPRENDIMIENTO since 2015
– Trademark Examiner Lawyer in the Trademark Delay Recovery Project in current SARPI SAPI. OTEPI Consultants (1992-1994)

Areas of Expertise

– Propiedad Industrial (Marcas), Derecho de Autor, Estrategias de Creación y Protección de Activos Intangibles, Mantenimiento de cartera de marcas: vigilancia del proceso de registro y protección en todas sus etapas, Auditorías de marcas. Propiedad Intelectual en Redes Sociales, Mentorías especializadas en Propiedad Intelectual para emprendedores.


– Bar Association of the Capital District.
– Industrial property agent


– Spanish
– French
– English
– Italian


Leopoldo Márquez

Leopoldo Márquez Lefeld (Caracas-1961)


– Georgetown University (CCPE – Introduction to the US Legal Systems & Contract Law Series, 1985)
– Andrés Bello Catholic University (Lawyer, 1984)
– IEA – Associated Educational Institutes (El Peñón, 1979)

Professional activity

– Managing Partner of MHOV Abogados since (1988 – present)
– Lawyer in Travieso Evans (1985 – 1987)
– Legal Assistant at Travieso Evans (1981 – 1984)

Union Activity

– Principal Delegate for Venezuela in the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI) period 2003 – 2006.
– Alternate Delegate for Venezuela in the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI) period 2001 – 2003.

Areas of expertise

– Aeronautical Law (Financial Leasing, Purchase, Sale, Registration, Guarantee and Assurance of Aircraft in Venezuela and abroad).
– Industrial Property (Trademarks and Patents), Electronic Commerce, Franchise, Intellectual Property Litigation, license agreements and technology transfer, social networks, among others.


– Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI)
– International Trademark Association (INTA)
– Venezuelan American Chamber of Industry and Commerce (VENAMCHAM)
– Venezuelan College of Intellectual Property Agents (COVAPI)
– Bar Association of the Capital District.


– Spanish
– English

carlos valedón
Carlos Valedon

Carlos Valedon (Caracas 1965)


– Université Laval, Québec – Canada (Master of Laws
– Universidad Santa María, Caracas – Venezuela (Layer, 1989)

Professional Activity

– Partner of MHOV Lawyers since 2006
– Partner Torres Plaz & Araujo, Caracas – Venezuela (1994 – 2006)

Institutional and academic activity

– Arbitrator of the Arbitration Centers of the Caracas Chamber of Commerce and CEDCA. Former President of the respective committees.
– He was Advisor to the Permanent Commission on Economy of the Senate of the Congress of the Republic of Venezuela for the enactment of the Commercial Arbitration Law (1997-98).
–He was Secretary in 1998 of the national section in Venezuela of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) based in Paris.
– He was appointed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) as an advisor for the mediation project of the Arbitration Center of the Caracas Chamber of Commerce (1999)
– Invited researcher in 1998 at the Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) based in Rome on the Principles of International Commercial Contracts and Uniform Commercial Law.
– Professor from 1998 to 2008 of the subject “Alternate Means of Dispute Resolution in International Commercial Transactions” and “Uniform Commercial Law” in the Postgraduate course in International Law and Integration, as well as the Master’s in Law International Private the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the Central University of Venezuela, Caracas.
– Speaker and lecturer on alternative means of dispute resolution, as well as legal aspects and Intellectual Property of Internet and E-Commerce.

Areas of Expertise

He has focused his practice in the areas of commercial, civil, tax, international commercial law, as well as litigation, foreign investment, intellectual property and national and international commercial arbitration.


– Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI)
– International Trademark Association (INTA)
– International Association for Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
– Association des Practiciens du Droit des Marques et des Modeles (APRAM)
– Venezuelan American Chamber of Commerce (VENAMCHAM)
– Venezuelan College of Intellectual Property Agents (COVAPI)
– Bar Association of the Capital District.


– Spanish
– French
– English

Flavia Amoroso

Flavia Amoroso


– Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, Chicago, IL (LLM, 2018).
– Universidad Metropolitana – Caracas, VE (Abogado, 2014).
– Colegio Integral El Ávila – Caracas, VE (Bachiller, 2008).

Professional Activity

– Partner at MHOV Abogados (present).
– Junior Partner at Hoet & Partners (2021 – 2023).
– Lawyer at Clarke + Modet Venezuela (2018 – 2021).
– Lawyer at MHOV (2014 – 2017).

Areas of Expertise

Industrial Property (Trademarks and Patents), Electronic Commerce, Franchising, Intellectual Property Litigation, licensing and technology transfer contracts, social networks, among others.


– Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI).
– International Trademark Association (INTA).
– Venezuelan American Chamber of Commerce (VENAMCHAM).
– Venezuelan-Israeli Chamber of Economy.
– Venezuelan College of Intellectual Property Agents (COVAPI).
– Bar Association of the Capital District.


– Spanish
– English

María Elena Terrero

María Elena Terrero

María Elena Terrero has more than 30 years of experience in Intellectual Property, Corporate and Commercial Law. María Elena has worked with a vast number of Fortune 500 companies and large local clients.

In parallel, she consistently works to promote the modernization of the Venezuelan Intellectual Property Law and has actively participated in reforms discussions to the Law before the National Assembly. Also, María Elena has been member of important national projects regarding Intellectual Property developed by the prestigious Universidad Simón Bolivar.

In 2017 María Elena was appointed member of INTA’s Harmonization of Trade Law and Practice Committee and is currently president of its Free Trade Agreements Sub-Committee. In addition, she leads pro bono projects for NGOs.


– Attorney at Law, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela (1997).
– Course on Intellectual property, Franklin Pierce Law Center, USA (2003).
– Certified arbitrator in Venezuela.
– Certified mediator in the United States.


– Federal District Bar Association (1998).
– Intellectual Property Agent (1998).

Areas of Expertise

– Patents.
– Patent Brokerage.
– Trademarks.
– Arbitration.
– Licensing.


– Life Sciences.
– Fashion.
– Oil & Energy.




– Spanish
– English

Alvaro Garrido

Alvaro Garrido Lingg (Caracas-1977)


– Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Especialista en Derecho Mercantil, 2021).
– Andrés Bello Catholic University, Caracas – Venezuela (Lawyer, 1999).

Professional Activity

– Founding Partner of Grupo Consultor AGJG, S.C. since 2012.
– Associate Attorney Grau, García Hernández & Monaco (2007-2008).
– Petroleum Lawyer Zuata, C.A. (PETROZUATA)- Barcelona- Venezuela (2006-2007).
– Lawyer Torres Plaz & Araujo, Caracas – Venezuela (1999 – 2006).

Institutional and Academic activity

– He was Advisor to the Office of the Vice Ministry of Planning and Development (2003).
– Author of an opinion article published on June 2, 2007 in the newspaper El Universal ( entitled: “The Tyranny of the Majority”.
– Author of an opinion article published on May 25, 2006 in the newspaper El Universal entitled: “Citizen Participation Vs. Exit of Venezuela from the Andean Community”.
– Co-author of the work entitled: “The Functionally Decentralized Administration”, published in the Book Homage to the Manual of Administrative Law by Eloy Lares Martínez entitled “Venezuelan Law in the Thresholds of the 21st Century”. Collection of legal studies of the Monteávila University. Venezuelan Legal Publishing House. Caracas, 2006.
– Co-author of the work entitled: “The presumption of good faith and its treatment in the presidential recall referendum of 2004” published by the Supreme Court of Justice. Legal Studies Collection No. 15. Issues of Procedural Law. Caracas, Venezuela, 2005.
– Author of the article “Lotel generated a tacit derogation” published in the legal field newspaper. May 2005.- Co-Author of the work titled: “Regime of constitutional and legal competences attributed to the national and municipal public power by the Consti– He was Advisor to the Office of the Vice Ministry of Planning and Development (2003).
– Author of an opinion article published on June 2, 2007 in the newspaper El Universal ( entitled: “The Tyranny of the Majority”.
– Author of an opinion article published on May 25, 2006 in the newspaper El Universal entitled: “Citizen Participation Vs. Exit of Venezuela from the Andean Community”.
– Co-author of the work entitled: “The Functionally Decentralized Administration”, published in the Book Homage to the Manual of Administrative Law by Eloy Lares Martínez entitled “Venezuelan Law in the Thresholds of the 21st Century”. Collection of legal studies of the Monteávila University. Venezuelan Legal Publishing House. Caracas, 2006.
– Co-author of the work entitled: “The presumption of good faith and its treatment in the presidential recall referendum of 2004” published by the Supreme Court of Justice. Legal Studies Collection No. 15. Issues of Procedural Law. Caracas, Venezuela, 2005.
– Author of the article “Lotel generated a tacit derogation” published in the legal field newspaper. May 2005.- Co-Author of the work titled: “Regime of constitutional and legal competences attributed to the national public power of 1999 and the legal regulations in force to the electricity sector in Venezuela” published in the magazine of constitutional law No. 9. January- December 2004. Editorial Sherwood.
– Co-Author of the work entitled: “General considerations of the avocation in the Venezuelan jurisprudence. Special reference to the ruling issued by the Political-Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice dated June 3, 2003. No. 809. Case: Jenny Mariela Lugo Méndez.”, published in the administrative law magazine No. 17. September- December 2003. Editorial Sherwood.
– Author of the work entitled: “Considerations related to the execution of judgments on the patrimonial responsibility of the State in Venezuela”, published in the magazine of administrative law No. 16. January-June 2003. Editorial Sherwood.
– Author of the work entitled: “Notes on the regulatory framework of the land and air transport system in Venezuela”, published in the administrative law magazine No. 15. May-December 2002. Editorial Sherwood.
– Co-Author in the publication of the third edition of the book entitled: “Venezuelan Tax Laws” published by Torres, Plaz & Araujo, Caracas-Venezuela, 2001.

Areas of Expertise

His professional career has been especially dedicated to advising on the full range of matters associated with public, corporate and tax law, with special emphasis on the oil, gas and energy areas, as well as litigation and judicial aspects; Preparation, presentation and follow-up of administrative resources before national, state and municipal public entities, as well as contentious-administrative resources, unconstitutionality and constitutional protection actions before the courts of the Republic; Experience in various administrative procedures and administrative litigation in general; Experience, participation and advice in aspects related to the energy and oil area, as well as in aspects related to matters of unfair competition.


– Bar Association of the Capital District.
– AVEDA (Venezuelan Association of Administrative Law).


– Spanish
– English

Nazareth Djenanian

Nazareth Djenanian Dertorossian (Caracas, 1989).


– – AVEDA (Venezuelan Association of Administrative Law).
– Andrés Bello Catholic University (Lawyer, 2014).

Professional Activity

– Lawyer of MHOV Lawyers (2017).
– Senior Lawyer of Products and Services in the Legal Consultancy of Banco Nacional de Crédito, C.A., Banco Universal (2014-2017).
– Junior Lawyer in the Legal Consultancy of Banco Nacional de Crédito, C.A., Banco Universal (2013-2014).
– Intern in the Legal Department of González & Makkekji, Financial Advisors. (2011)

Institutional and academic activity

– Arbitration Sessions. Within the framework of the fifteenth anniversary of the Commercial Arbitration Law. Andres Bello Catholic University (2013).
– Social and Community Reconciliation Program of the Legal Clinic. Business Center for Conciliation and Arbitration (CEDCA). Andres Bello Catholic University. (2012).

Areas of Expertise

–He has focused his professional practice in the areas of Commercial, Corporate and Banking Law.
al in the areas of Commercial, Corporate and Banking Law.


– Bar Association of the Capital District.
– Lawyer’s Social Welfare Institute.


– Spanish
– Armenian

Diego Beltran

Diego Alejandro Beltrán González


– Central University of Venezuela (Lawyer, 2019)
– Universidad Monteávila (Specialist in intellectual property, 2023)

Professional Activity

– Consulting Attorney at Collateral Base – Peoria, Illinois (2020 – Current)
– Lawyer at MHOV Lawyers – Caracas (2019-2020)
– Legal assistant at De Sola Pate & Brown – Caracas (2018-2019)

Areas of expertise

– Industrial property (Trademarks and Patents), Intellectual Property litigation, license agreements and technology transfer, social networks, among others.


– Bar Association of the Capital District.
– International Trademark Association (INTA).


– Spanish
– English
– French 

Nahomy Estrada

Nahomy Estrada (Caracas, 1990).


– Santa María University (Lawyer – 2013).

Professional Activity

– Lawyer of MHOV Lawyers (2018).
– Junior Lawyer of the Credit Documentation Management of the Agricultural Banking of BANESCO Banco Universal (March 2018-December – 2018).
– Junior Lawyer in the Mass Credit Documentation Management in the Legal Consultancy of Banco Nacional de Credito, C.A., Banco Universal. (2017-2018).
– Specialist in Law at the National Institute of Parks (INPARQUES). (2016-2017).
– Lawyer in the Substantiation area at the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) (2015-2016).
– Lawyer (Substitution) in the 16th AMC Prosecutor’s Office in matters of Common Crimes. (2015).
– Legal Assistant (Substitution) 108th Prosecutor’s Office for Children and Adolescents. (2013-2014).

Institutional and academic activity

– Arbitration Sessions. Within the framework of the fifteenth anniversary of the Commercial Arbitration Law. Andres Bello Catholic University (2013).
– Social and Community Reconciliation Program of the Legal Clinic. Business Center for Conciliation and Arbitration (CEDCA). Andres Bello Catholic University. (2012).

Institutional and Academic activity

– VIII National Congress of Jurisprudence in Labor Law (2011).
– VI International Congress on Forensic Sciences and Criminal Investigation (2010).

Areas of Expertise

–He has focused his professional practice in the areas of Commercial, Environmental, Criminal, Corporate and Banking Law.


– Bar Association of the Capital District.
– Lawyer’s Social Welfare Institute..


– Spanish
– English: Coursed at the School of Modern Languages ​​ACEIM – FUNDEIM. (2017).

Solange Sheuat

Solange Sheuat


– Central University of Venezuela, Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, School of Law. (Lawyer 2019).

Professional Activity

– De Sola Pate & Brown – Consulting Lawyers (2017- 2019). (Legal assistant)


– Bar Association of the Capital District.


– Spanish
– English (Basic)

Carlos Arocha

Carlos José Arocha Moreán (Caracas, 1968)


-Metropolitan University, Caracas (Specialist in Intellectual Property, 2009)

Special degree work: “Jingle as a musical work, sound brand and source of commercial slogans”

– Central University of Venezuela (Lawyer, 1992)

Courses and Participations

-Intensive Course on Evidence Law (Second Module). “Inter-American Federation of Lawyers” (Caracas, 2011)
-Intensive Course on Evidence Law (First Module). “Inter-American Federation of Lawyers” (Caracas, 2010)
-Course on Intellectual Property and Electronic Commerce.”World Academy of the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO” (Switzerland, 2009)
-Advanced Course on Copyright. “World Academy of the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO” (Switzerland, 2007)
-General Course on Intellectual Property. “World Academy of the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO” (Switzerland, 2005)
-International Congress on Intellectual Property. “Margarita University” (2004)

Actividad Profesional

-Independent Advisor on Copyright, Trademarks, Own Image, Entertainment Law, Advertising Talents, Contractual and Responsibility Matters (2009-2020)
-Co-founder of the firm “Gomes Arocha Asesores / Copyright” (1994-2007)

-Coordinator of the Legal Management in the Society of Authors and Composers of Venezuela / SACVEN (1993-1994)
-Attached Rapporteur to the Presidency of the First Court of Administrative Litigation (1992-1993)
– Research Assistant at the Institute of Public Law UCV (1989-1992)

Developed Areas

-Investigation and opinions.
-Drafting of assignments and licenses.
-Analysis of contracts.
-Management and monitoring of records.
-Judicial notifications of cessation of use.
-Criminal complaints for infringement of intellectual property rights.
-Claims and actions for unauthorized use of works protected by copyright.
-Claims and lawsuits for violation of the image itself.
– Actions for non-pecuniary damage: personal and corporate.
-Actions for contractual and non-contractual liability.
-Unfair competition.
-Administrative and contentious-administrative appeals related to intellectual property.
-Commercial arbitrations.
-Negotiation and out-of-court settlements.
-Investigation of ownership and search for authorized uses.
-Advice on intellectual property related to musical and phonographic production.
-Advice on intellectual property linked to the publishing field.
-Advice on intellectual property related to software, applications and video games.
-Advice on intellectual property matters related to digital products.
-Advice on intellectual property matters related to franchises.
-Advice on intellectual property matters related to advertising
-Management of talents and representations.


– Spanish
– English (Technical)

Adriana Garcia

Adriana Garcia


– Metropolitan University (Specialization in International Business, 2014)
– Central University of Venezuela (BA in Translation, 2007)
– Central University of Venezuela (Lawyer, 1992)

Professional Activity

– Society of EOS Consultores PI since 1994
– Representative in Venezuela of since 2003
– Legal Mentor in matters of Intellectual Property for entrepreneurs PROEMPRENDIMIENTO since 2015
– Trademark Examiner Lawyer in the Trademark Delay Recovery Project in current SARPI SAPI. OTEPI Consultants (1992-1994)

Areas of Expertise

– Propiedad Industrial (Marcas), Derecho de Autor, Estrategias de Creación y Protección de Activos Intangibles, Mantenimiento de cartera de marcas: vigilancia del proceso de registro y protección en todas sus etapas, Auditorías de marcas. Propiedad Intelectual en Redes Sociales, Mentorías especializadas en Propiedad Intelectual para emprendedores.


– Bar Association of the Capital District.
– Industrial property agent


– Spanish
– French
– English
– Italian